Candice Sisemore

We are hoping to create a concept performance with songs inspired by Arkansas ghost stories from across the state. We hope to sound haunting, hopeful, and also to lose ourselves in Ozark sounds and lore and take the audience with us. We want to create concepts for songs from the stories we gather and translate those into pieces that create an experience.

Key collaborators are Trevor Bates and Candice Sisemore.

We hope this project will impact our artistry in increasing focus, sustaining a concept, challenging writing to proceed thematically, and envisioning the whole.

We hope this project will help our audience experience something unexpected about Arkansas, to connect and engage with story and music in a new way, and of course, to create something that is enjoyable and unique to listen to. We feel a calling to connect people to this region and the Sputh in new ways that bring fresh experiences and open up channels for dialogue and inspiration.

Mixtape Music Series
Winter 2024